להפוך פרויקט לסטארט-אפ - עכשיו בפקולטה! תשפ"א
מנטורים, משקיעי הון סיכון ואתם!
בואו להפוך הפרויקט שלכם לסטארט-אפ.
כיצד הופכים את תוצר הפרויקט למיזם שעונה על צרכים של לקוחות ומשתמשים? מה מבדיל בין פתרון הנדסי לסטארט-אפ שייצור שינוי?
בואו ללמוד כיצד לקחת את הפרויקט ההנדסי עוד צעד אחד קדימה ולהפכו למיזם/סטארט-אפ עסקי. בקורס נפתח תכנית עסקית ומצגת משקיעים לפרויקט אותו אתם מפתחים. את כתיבת התכנית העסקית ינחו מנטורים עסקיים – אנשי תעשייה בכירים שהקימו ו/או ניהולו מיזמים (ראו למטה רשימה חלקית של מנטורים).
התכנית העסקית מתארת את הבסיס העסקי להקמת מיזם, כיצד יעבוד ומה יגרום לו להצליח. זה יכול להיות מיזם בחברה קיימת – לפיתוח מוצר חדש או קידום מוצר קיים – או סטארט-אפ חדש. ננתח לעומק את צורך השוק אותו הפרויקט ההנדסי בא לפתור, מדוע הפתרון חשוב ולמה המשתמשים מעוניינים בו. ננתח את השוק והפתרונות הקיימים, המתחרים, היתרונות והחסרונות ונציג תכנית שיווקית ליציאת המוצר לשוק, הכוללת מדדים ברורים להצלחה.
לאורך הקורס יתקיימו הרצאות מעשיות ובמקביל, הסטודנטים יפגשו עם המנטורים, יכתבו חלקים מהתכנית ויגישו אותם למשוב עד להגשת התכנית המוגמרת בסיום הקורס.
לא נדרש רקע בכלכלה וניהול ולא נדרשת הכרה של עולם ההייטק.
הקורס הינו קורס של הפקולטה להנדסה והוא מזכה ב-4 ש"ס
הקורס יתקיים בסמסטר א' תשפ"ב בימי שלישי בין השעות 09:15-12:45
שימו לב! ההרשמה לקורס היא ידנית ולא דרך הבידינג. סטונדטים שיתקבלו יקבלו הודעה לפני תחילת הסמסטר.
לסילבוס ולפרטים ראו בטאב סילבוס למטה
דרישות קבלה:
מספר המקומות מוגבל - מהרו להרשם!
להרשמה אנא מלאו את טופס הבקשה להצטרף לקורס כאן>>
הרישום יעשה לאחר מיון והתאמה.
בכל שאלה ניתן לפנות ליאיר סאקוב, yairsakov@tauex.tau.ac.il
המנטורים שלנו (רשימה לא סופית)
Nachman ShelefSerial high-tech and social entrepreneur. Founder / member of the initial teams of Nice Systems [NICE], NiceCom [3Com], Atrica [NSN], ConteXtream [HP], EnStorage, My6Sense. Founder of Benchmark Israel a venture capital fund; and of NGOs including IVN – Israel Venture Network, and Merhav – the Movement for Israeli Urbanism. Former VP and GM at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Chairman and CEO of ConteXtream, Chairman of EnStorage, General Partner at Benchmark Capital, Chairman of Atrica, VP and GM at 3Com, President of NiceCom. Based in Tel Aviv – Israel, Nachman is a proud supporter of the Movement for Israeli Urbanism (www.miu.org.il ), promoting quality urbanism to provide affordable and sustainable access to opportunities for all. Nachman enjoys serving as an amateur food photographer for his daughter – the chef, (le-couloir.com). Nachman Holds B.Sc. Summa cum Laude in computer engineering from the Technion. |
Sarit Shani NatansonSarit has over 20 years of experience in startup companies as well as established technology corporations. She has taken part in the establishment of start-up companies and in leading positions in established companies such as Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), Amdocs, Nokia Siemens (NSN) and 3Com (COM3). Sarit began her career at Motorola Semiconductor as a software engineer and continued in the development management track at data communications companies. She then began engaging in product management and strategy. Sarit holds a B.Sc. (Cum Laude) in Computer Science and Mathematics and M.Sc. (Cum Laude) in Computer Science, both from Tel Aviv University. |
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Yuki ArbelYuki loves to be at the intersection of business and technology. His 20 year experience stretches across industries such as cyber, IT, telecom and cloud, which he has seen from both technology and business angles. |
Meir MorgensternMeir is now working on his new startup. Until recently he was the GM for Dropbox Israel R&D center. He oversees the engineering teams developing Dropbox AdminX - Dropbox administration tool for businesses. Meir came to Dropbox via the acquisition of CloudOn, a company he co-founded that was focused on improving mobile productivity and collaboration. Prior to CloudOn, Meir served as senior engineering management at Cisco/P-Cube (acquired by Cisco) and 3Com/Nicecom (acquired by 3Com) leading to the successful launch of multiple widely used products that brought real value to the world of networking. Meir began his career in the elite technology unit of the Israel Defense Force. Meir holds MBA from Tel Aviv University and BSEE (Cum Laude) from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology. Meir also has 5 US registered patents." |
Adi SteinAdi Stein is an entrepreneur, innovator, business mentor. Adi works as a developer relations program manager for the middle east and Africa at Microsoft. Adi worked as a PM at Over.ai, which was acquired by Vonage. |
Yuval Lazi, LawyerYuval is a partner in the commercial department and the mergers and acquisitions department at Barnea & Co. Yuval specializes in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, private capital investments and venture capital investments in the high-tech and low-tech industries, finance, securities, intellectual property and complex corporate and commercial transactions such as technology transfers, arrangements of international franchise and distribution and BOT. Yuval has experience in the representation of multinational corporations, in Israel and abroad, he represents clients from various fields, including start-ups and high-tech, communications, automation, agro-technology, food and medical industries and green technologies. Yuval also advises dozens of start-up companies in recruitment processes, financing and legal matters. |
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Tamar Bar-Noy GotlinTamar is an experienced senior banking executive. She served as vice president credit at Leumi Card (MAX) financial and payment cards company. Previously she managed private banking at Bank Leumi, managed the Boca Raton branch in Florida, US and other executive positions in Leumi Bank. Tamar brings extensive business experience as well as in-depth familiarity and comprehension of the global financial eco-system.
Eran YarkoniEran began his high-tech career at Intel, where he managed the Pentium® MMX processors project from early production and up to $10 billion in sales. Later, he founded and led EnStorage, a developer of groundbreaking energy storage systems, and before that was the CEO of CyOptics, a fiber-optics startup which was acquired by Singapore-based Avago Technologies. Eran also served as CEO of Capital Nature, a renewable energy incubator and at the Israel Seed Partners venture capital fund. Today Eran works with startup teams focusing on companies with a significant technological advantage and through his extensive experience in establishing and financing successful start-up companies, he joins forces with entrepreneurs in order to jointly establish successful high-tech companies. |
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Eti FinkelsteinWith 20 years of marketing experience and two startup exits to date, Eti founded ScaleUp. ScaleUp is an innovation scout company for Japanese corporations that seek innovation. |
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Itai TomerItai has 25 years of experience executive management. He was the CEO of Ericsson Media Solution Israel since 2014, which was the result of the acquisition of Fabrix Systems in 2014.
As a serial entrepreneurs and an industry expert with deep understanding of the challenges in business growth, he founded Silvi, a start-up company for video based marketing automation. He worked as the Vice President of Products at Olive-software, a world leader in the professional publishing market and digital archiving; and at At-View, an innovative provider of online collaboration management solutions. He also worked as the Head of Retail Products at Cellebrite. Itai founded the innovation & startup hub ‘starter-hub’ in Kfar Saba, which aims to help start-ups companies grow from seed to maturity, while promoting kids into the high-tech industry.
Itai holds a BA computer science and economics from Tel-Aviv University, MBA from Themes Valley university, and MA in public administration Tel-Aviv university
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Uri AraziUri Arazy joined Intel Capital in 2001. He has a broad management background in Israel and the U.S. including managing Israel Information Systems, Intel's Corporate Engineering Computing, and operational positions in managing the Supply Line and Strategic Planning at Intel's FAB 8. Uri managed Intel's investments and exits in Anobit (acquired by Apple), Riverhead (acquired by Cisco); Passave (acquired by PMC Sierra); Topio (acquired by NetApp), and Aeroscout (acquired by Stanley Black & Decker). He currently manages Intel's investments and is Board Observer in Aternity, Exent, GigaSpaces, and Omek Interactive. Prior to Intel, he was a Network Specialist with HP, and an Programmer/Analyst in the Israel Defense Forces. He holds an MSc in Computer Science from Columbia University and an Executive MBA from Northwestern’s Kellogg & Tel Aviv U. Recanati School of Management. |